The beauty of cosmic education

Painting by Anna Lorenz

I am always looking for new challenges, for both my class and myself. This is an idea that worked out just the way I hoped it would…I am proud to present our English spoken digital book: The life of Nelson Mandela in 31 paintings.

It was great to all work together on this project. The integration of history, human rights, culture, arts, English and ICT, makes this project a good example of the endless possibilities of our beautiful cosmic education.

Based on the book Madiba by Angela Machiel-Guépin, the children painted an important moment of Mandela’s life. I took photos and uploaded them to the app Explain Everything. Then the children could record their own voice, reading the supporting English text of the painting. Some children were appointed ‘pronunciation coach’ and helped others practise their lines.

One can make a digital (art) book on any subject. The beauty of a biography however, is that each child is responsible for his/her own part, but every part (child) is needed to make the book (the life story) complete.

The result is wonderful and I am very proud of my class!

Enjoy The life of Nelson Mandela in 31 paintings.

Paintings (acrylic) and voice-over by the children of @Groep67MN (9-11 year-olds).